Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Clinton Liveblog

Former President Bill Clinton, Democratic National Convention 2012

“Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow”
:47 "We are here to nominate a President and I’ve got one in mind". So do I, Mr. Clinton. So do I.
1:20 The road to recovery is, indeed, long.
2:17 Michelle Obama for President! Oh, wait, that’s not what we’re doing? Ooops. I came to the wrong party.
4:00 “The Republican narrative says we’re all completely self-made. … but, it ain’t so.”
4:35 Bill Clinton believes in the buddy system.
5:33 – ongoing Lots and lots of facts. Emphasis on the morally right and economically sound not being mutually exclusive. Nice to know I can be a nice person without becoming a panhandler.
7:37 we’re getting a little bi-partisan now. President Bush (both of them) and some of the things they did right and bi-partisan focus on solving problems. “what works in the real world is co-operation.”
9:32 “a broken clock is right twice a day” I hope I’m right more than twice a day. I mean, compromise is cool, but every now and then it might be nice to be completely correct.
12:00 Highlighting Obama’s commitment to bi-partisan communication as well as collaboration within different factions of his own party.
14:00 Yeah, that work with congressional Republican didn’t work out so well, did it?
17:00 We’re well out of any bi-partisanisms now.
18:00 The terrible economy is clearly still a talking point for both parties.
19:00 Yes. We call them the Republican Party.
19:30 We probably don’t miss your Presidency quite as much as you do, Mr. Clinton, but You miss it an awful lot.
23:00 “We’re all in this together” wouldn’t make a bad slogan, would it Mr. President. Maybe a little more moving that Forward. Just a thought.
26:00 Train people for jobs available, right now, in their communities? Heresy!
Also, I like the sound of student loan registration. It would be nice to not beggar myself to get a degree.
29:00 Also, healthcare. Healthcare is good.
32:28 A little off topic, but I spent a summer as an H.R. intern at the hospital in Great Falls and they HATE Obama’s insurance plans and the Affordable Health Care Act for the changes it will inspire in healthcare. We didn’t talk about politics much.
37:00 I feel you pain, Bill Clinton. I so often come up against the problem of people cheering too loudly for me to get a word in edgewise.
38:00 Romney vs. The Fact Checkers: The Epic Battle Continues

43:00 More about Mitt Romney's incredible, automatically-reducing tax plan to balance the budget. If nothing else, Romney might go down in history as the most successful man in the world to never learn basic addition and subtraction.

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