So last night, as I finished my other homework and began uploading my last videos, I realized that my flashdrive (and all my work thus far) was locked in a far-distant computer lab. So, at the crack of dawn this morning, I rolled out of bed and began re-creating my video from the ground up. This was slightly less awful than it might have been since, having done this once, I knew what I wanted it to look like. But it took forever to find comparable music and I am somewhat less happy with the final product that I was with the 75% I had before. However, I am quite happy with the addition of my final photos and video and overall the project turned out like how I envisioned it. I also now know more about WindowsMovieMaker (or at least, enough to hate it) which I think was the point of this project.
You make me laugh! I actually saw your video when it was at 75% and it made me laugh even then, I am glad you added the additional photos, however. It is interesting to think about the entertainment side of rhetoric. We keep looking at all these complicated deep notions of how we utilize digital spaces for rhetoric, but the use of entertainment heavily keeps being overlooked.