So...that was interesting. For setting's sake, I watched the debates with the freshman seminar class I'm TA-ing this semester, which made it even more interesting/frustrating. I didscovered that a large portion of the class either had almost no political bias or leaning or had so much that they could hardly sit still when the opposing candidate spoke.
All in all, I was surprised by how weel Romney debated. I fell like, particularly in relation to his tax plan, he outright lied a time or two, but in other areas (like pre-existing conditions) he held his own well and was generally well-recieved. However, he also came across a pushy and childish in his refusal to abide by the set turn system. He had the last word every single time.
Obama on the other had looked very, very tired. He aslo seemed calm, collected anc extremely well-informed. I felt like he kept his temper and emotions in check even when Romney began to get extremely agitated towards the middle. I do wish he had picked a topic other than pre-existing conditions to slam Romney for not having plans, because he did have a plan for that one thing and therefore could dismiss the other allegations without addressing them.
I wish he had gotten pissed and shouted, "YOU LIE!"
I know similar people that are so politically one-sided that I have a hard time sitting still watching them have a hard time sitting still when they disagree with the opponent. I know it's probably frustrating to listen to someone who comes off as ignorant, but not keeping your composure during their speech seems equally arrogant. I feel your pain on that one.