Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome to my Strange Designs

 I hope, for your sake, that you enjoy this hyper-condensed, book jacket blurb filled with the few things I can remember to say about myself that someone else might find interesting, at least more than I enjoyed writing it. Lord knows, it won't be hard.

Bio Draft 7,834:
Things about me you might find interesting:

1. I like to write. That, I hope was obvious from my major and concentration. Someday I plan on writing books. (or rather, on publishing books, the writing part isn't time sensitive).

2. It hopefully follows that I also like to read. I read almost anything and I like talking to people about the things I've read almost as much as I enjoy the reading itself.

3. I'm kind-of-sort-of athletic. In the sense that I am an athlete, I mean. I throw the hammer for our schools track team and I've been a member of competitive track teams for 10 years now. This also means that I work out a lot and don't get as much sleep as I probably should, not that I would anyway. So often when you see me I will be either cripplingly sore or sleep-deprived grumpy. Occasionally, I will be both. Handle with care on these days.

4. I do too much stuff. I get bored if I don't take on enough projects, so, to compensate, I take on too many and then try to make the best of it. Sometimes this means that in addition to being sore and grumpy I'm also stressed out. If at all possible, don't handle at all during those times. Later in the semester hysterical crying may ensue (although almost never in public). In these trying situations it is best for you to sit back and make yourself as small as possible. Sort of like a bear attack.

5. I really love all the stuff I do. Track and the writing major and Read This are all important to me. Sometimes, they are more important than sleeping. Like books, if I can corner an unsuspecting individual I will talk to them for hours on these subjects.

Beware and thanks for your time,

1 comment:

  1. I clearly should be assigning more homework to you...
